$mdDialog is a powerful popup service for angular, but the angular material design team.
The usage is relatively simple. On a click event (e.g. a button or a menu item) you add the following:
$mdDialog.show({ targetEvent: $event, template: '<md-dialog>' + ' <md-dialog-content>Hello {{ employee }}!</md-dialog-content>' + ' <div class="md-actions">' + ' <md-button ng-click="closeDialog()" class="md-primary">' + ' Close Greeting' + ' </md-button>' + ' </div>' + '</md-dialog>', controller: function($scope, $mdDialog, employee){ $scope.employee = employee; $scope.closeDialog = function(){$mdDialog.hide();}; }, locals: {employee: $scope.userName} })
This should create a simple popup. Here’s the demo.
2 issues arise that might cause a setback:
- There’s a darkening of the whole screen – called backdrop.
- You can’t click anything because of the dialog’s container.
These two issues have 2 simple solutions:
- You can add the option: hasBackdrop: false to the dialog’s option object. This solves this design issue.
- Now you are left with the sore problem of clicking other parts of the screen. In order to solve this, just add the following code to your CSS:
.md-dialog-container{ pointer-events: none; } md-dialog{ pointer-events: all; }
These two additions would tell the browser to not listen to mouse click events on the full screen container while listening to click events on the dialog box itself.
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